Check type: PACKAGES
The check passes if the project has a packaging system in place and used it the give times during the given time range. It checks the container registry, the package registry and the releases. It expects either a release to have assets or packages inside those two registries.
- type: PACKAGES
description: "Describe the check in context of your badge and level"
timeRangeInMonths: 6
max: 1
Packaging is a way to distribute software. It is important to have a packaging system in place to make it easier for users to install and use the software. Packaging systems can help automate the process of installing software, manage dependencies, and ensure that the software is installed correctly. Regularly updating these registries signals active maintenance, showing that the project is well-supported and evolving. Versioning helps users track updates and access stable releases, while consistent packaging enhances compatibility and consistency across environments. Overall, using packaging systems improves software accessibility, signals good project health, and fosters reliability and reuse.